To be honest we were a little bit disappointed when we first arrived in Mendoza. We were expecting a more rural location, but instead found that Mendoza is another big, modern, European style city. It's very nice but once you've finished getting excited about the shops, bars and restaurants what do you actually do?! Well... Mendoza is at the heart of Argentina's wine growing region and that's why people come here.
Our guidebook suggests hiring bikes to explore some of the local wineries, however I must confess at this point that I've had something of a diva-style strop! I've been a bit poorly and it has not been helped by the fact that it is ferociously hot here. So hot it makes me want to curl up and die! I can't cope with it at all. I've taken to walking around under an umbrella, parasol-stylie and demanding ice lollies on a regular basis! In our bedroom, in the shade, with the windows open and the fan on full (no he hasn't taken me somewhere with air-con!) the temperature is 33 degrees centigrade. (I know that because the previously mentioned, and remarkably still working, Bolivian alarm clock, which is inclined to shout the time at us in Spanish and cuck-coo randomly, tells me so!!!) Bikes are a definite no-no and I have refused to go anywhere without air-conditioned transport!
And so it was that the wineries were visited on an air-conditioned minibus :0) We were tempted by the £100 posh tour which went to all the finest wineries and included a five course meal with a different wine selected to compliment each course. But in the end opted for the £9 WANKA tour! It was a fab day though. We went to two wineries, an olive oil farm and somewhere where they make liqueurs, among other things. I learned about the process of making wine and got to taste lots too, but unfortunately the thing that seems clearest to me as a result of the day is that I like young, fruity, light and therefore cheap, poor quality wine the best! Oh well having in-expensive tastes isn't such a bad thing :0) I am slightly concerned, however, at Ben's newly acquired desire to make his own wine and the confidence he's gained that he knows how to do it! Can't we just buy it and then at least it's likely to taste nice?!
I've had a few favourite moments in Mendoza, including eating huge pieces of chocolate cake in smart cafes and gorgeous fancy (yet surprisingly cheap) meals in lovely restaurants. In contrast however, Ben ate some of the local fast food - Mr. Dog, and sitting outside waiting for him to be served I was treated to something of a 'Jerry Springer Show' as all the dregs of Argentinian society scratching each others eyes out to get a seat! But my most favourite of all moments actually came about one evening as we were wandering though the streets and it began to rain. Yes rain! Oh how I've missed the rain! Of course I was delighted I finally had a brief reprieve from the scorching heat, but my joy of the occasion was magnified by the sight of the gathering of all the local emo kids scattering for shelter, hands above their heads, desperately trying to prevent the rain from spoiling their massive, ridiculous hair styles!!
Another Mendoza highlight worth mentioning, as far as I'm concerned, is my quest for the perfect Havaiana. Now I'm no shoes and handbag girl (you know who you are!) but if there has ever been a greater invention that the flip flop, then I am yet to discover it! Havaiana are the original and best makers of flip flops and they're a South American company (Brazilian actually, but we're not going there!) and everyone here wears them. So we've been searching for my perfect pair (yes I'm sure Ben's enjoyed the quest just as much as I have!) and I'm pleased to report I've found them! They are of course pink and there has been much praise sung to their wonder! I've tried to get Ben to photograph them but apparently they won't look too good in his portfolio!!
A few more photos from the wine tour can be found here.
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